Heya folks.
I know it's been a quiet week, but I've been rather busy behind the scenes, polishing up part 12 of the "How Did we Get Here?" story arc for NoSleep (you know, the one I said I was going to finish like two weeks ago?), working on the sequels to the book, stealing the Mona Lisa and replacing it with a high-quality counterfeit, and sitting down for an interview with the amazing mods over at NoSleepInterviews.
Normally, these weekly updates are where I take the time to answer your questions, but this week I think it would be much more appropriate to point you to the interview, where I do just that. I also play the "story game" with the NSI mods, recount some of the most terrifying events of my life, delve into my writing processes, and decide on what kind of fruit fills me with irrational anger (spoiler: It's pomegranates. Of course.)
If you want to know a little bit more about what makes me tick, then follow this link to the interview:
I will return next week to answer all those questions you guys already asked. In case there's something new that you want to know that hasn't already been asked and wasn't in the interview, leave me a comment and I'll maybe possibly think about answering it in next week's post.
Until next time...
I will cry tears of joy if you add a zombie-dragon-unicorn to your story. Can it's name be Meowdy?
Dude, I just want to say your writing is amazing. I got your book immediately and I power read the fuck out of it. As of late I've been so jaded by the entertainment industry. It's all predictable and the same with different skin. It's absolutely refreshing. So, thank you, seriously.
I have a couple questions.
Is "your biggest fan" Spencer? I mean, he told Jack to open the gift with the gun in it and has quite the obsession with him, yet never kills him despite being more than able. Also, have you ever thought of doing an arc, even one you might have already done, but from Spencer's point of view?
In relevance to pocket dimensions. Are you…
i can't wait for the holychickencows to appear
Jeebus tittyfuckin Christus
lars more like dumb